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Re: Офигительную книжку нашел в сети :)   ID:54473   ответ на 50825 Сб, 17 декабря 2011 07:08 [#]
Gramazeka в настоящее время не в онлайне Gramazeka
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Garry Baldy писал Ср, 21 апреля 2010 20:50
Кактус писал Ср, 21 апреля 2010 13:33
Я тоже. А Гросджан доехал? Что там интересного по твоему? Я лично ожидал большего.

Гросджина я купил, вероятно, одним из первых))) Поскольку первое издание у меня было уже давно, то мега-ценности во втором издании я не увидел. Нашёл пару незначительных косяков в главе о 5CP, о чём написал автору (без ответа). Глава об откатах - просто супер, имхо, жаль что не весь спектр вопросов закрыт. В любом случае, книга очень и очень хороша. Покупать и читать - надо.

Я тут вообще надумал, оффтопиком, вбить все свои книжки по казиношным играм в некую табличку, и типа рейтинг придумать, что ли. Будет времени побольше - сделаю.

Маленькая рецензия на Гросджина от GBV (Вампир Зеленого Сукна) :

"The question of whether finding a flashing dealer is easy or not is immaterial to the utility of the book. If you can find blackjack loaders in every casino, you still don't need the book. You have a huge edge just making obvious plays. One or two % here or there doesn't make much difference. It is like learning an extra index number for card counting purposes.

In any case Grosjean himself stated he spent three times as much scouting as he did playing. He's also a midget, so would find opportunities more easily than most. You also have to factor in the difficulty of getting hours in against an individual dealer. So that would tend to detract from your argument, since the source in question doesn't support it.

As I recall most people who attempted the much-hyped three card poker exposure strategy actually lost money, something Grosjean seems to have admitted in the new edition. This is at least in part because of the faulty advice, concerning, amongst other things, the poor treatment of imperfect information (hint: you can't assume the cards are random just because you aren't sure what they are, you have more of a disadvantage than a basic strategist in that scenario).

I am frankly amazed that there are people out there who needed to be told that if a dealer flashes a card at you then you should use that information. Hole-carding is at least seventy years old-are you seriously trying to make out that is cutting edge? I don't need hamfisted exhortations to think outside the box from someone so firmly wedged inside it, especially when they are charging me $500.

My impression of Grosjean disciples is that they seem to think of themselves as higher beings, when in fact they mostly went around chasing marginal 3CP opportunities, which, when adjusted for scouting time, variance and speed is scarcely any more profitable than card-counting or solid poker. I talk about the millions of dollars online casinos and sportsbooks were virtually giving away throughout the last decade and they stare blankly.

The Big Six and Craps opportunities you allude to are more than a little gimmicky. They aren't really the basis of a sustainable edge, the conditions under which these games are necessarily temporary. This stuff is fun perhaps but its not worth paying $500 for."
[Обновлено: Сб, 17 декабря 2011 07:41]