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SBA takze :)   ID:48164   ответ на 48163 Сб, 28 июля 2001 00:00 [#]
Karel Форумы Покер.ру
Izvinite no moj russkij jazyk ne ocen chorosij. Ja budu gavarit po anglijski.

"1) Твердые карты.
Дабл НЕ делается: 8/7; 6/5; 5/6 "

Double should definitely be done for 8 vs. 7, with quite a big extra edge, except for very negative counts.
For the other two, it is enough to have a little positive shoe. (Maybe wait one or two TCs for risk-averse

2) Мягкие карты
Дабл НЕ делается: А5/3

делается. This can be verified by SBA.

3) Мягкие карты
>> A4, A3, A2 против 3 - дабл всегда
Здесь где-то ОПЕЧАТКА, т.к. утверждение абсурдное.

Why "утверждение абсурдное"?? It looks like you are missing the basic fact that soft A,2 vs. 3 is a lot
better than soft A,6 vs. 3. The only reason why it is not a regular double are the loss opportunities of
hitting again. These opportunities are greatly reduced due to the triples. By the way, there are even
regular (no triple) indices!

4) Сплиты
СЛЕДУЕТ делать сплит (ре-сплит без ограничения!)
(2+2)/8 и (3+3)/8
Это у тебя НЕ указано...

Finally one I can agree with! I forgot to analyze this split. I know that it is a very close call for regular BJ,
and so I believe that it should be split due to the extra option of doubling hard 9 vs. 8 and extra sacrifice
triples. By the way, ре-сплит без ограничения is IRRELEVANT. The same conclusion holds for no re-
split. The only importan rule is DAS.


Karel Janecek
(author of SBA)

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