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Establishing Сasino!!!   ID:46776 Чт, 8 мая 2003 00:00 [#] [»)
DrDeath Форумы Покер.ру
If casinos don’t allow professionals to play, they must establish their own casinos. Nowadays only this
way clever people can earn their living in gambling business. Of course I realize that investments are
very large, but net present value (NPV) is also very large, and some professionals can afford it. For
example a very famous professional’s son has recently become a co-owner of a new casino. That guy,
a student of MSU (economic faculty), began playing Black Jack only about two years ago. His “teacher
of cardcounting” was his father. Very soon he had Black Cards in almost all Moscow casinos, but
nevertheless the professional’s son had been able to earn a lot of money and became a co-owner of a
new casino. It’s a true story, and visitors of this forum, who are very clever and have won much money,
should think about it.
Re: Establishing Сasino!!!   ID:46779   ответ на 46776 Чт, 8 мая 2003 00:00 («] [#]
Arkasha Форумы Покер.ру
I entirely agree, that most of the visitors of this forum are really smart, diligent and even talanted. Some
of them have a quite good income and some have even made their fortunes. Still, in my view, (IMHO) of
course, the majority gets the main profits not by gambling. Moreover, even if someone gets such a
great fortune as to buy casino he will surely find the better and more perspective way for his
investments. That will be thanks to his diligence, common sense and experience.
Good luck, Arkasha
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