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Вопрос книгоманам.   ID:46872 Вт, 3 июня 2003 00:00 [#] [»)
Дима Форумы Покер.ру
Прочитал на одном из Западных форумов о существовании книги с таким названием "Powerful Profits from Blackjack" by Victor H. Royer.
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С уважением,
Re: Вопрос книгоманам.   ID:46875   ответ на 46872 Вт, 3 июня 2003 00:00 («] [#]
Garry Baldy Форумы Покер.ру
Вот что я прочел об этой книге на амазоне:

" No other book on Blackjack tells the real truth of how
the game is actually being played in the casinos of the
21st Century. Every other book relies more on the
"theory" of Blackjack, rather than on the reality of
what the players will actually find in the casinos when
they get there and try to play it. All other books look
at the game of Blackjack from the "old thinking"
perspective, by teaching the game with the methods and
strategies that used to work 10-20 years ago, but are
all but useless in the real world of today's casinos.

Other books talk about "card counting" as if this was
the only and surefire means to winning, but don't tell
you how hard it is do actually do it -- IF you can still
find a casino that will allow you to do it, and if you
can still find a game whose rules and methods of dealing
allows this to work to anything more than merely a
better guess. Other books talk about Basic Strategy, but
then force the reader to learn tables upon tables of
modifications for this and that and so on, creating a
mess of information that not even experts can easily digest.

Victor H. Royer's book tells the truth of the real game
of Blackjack as it actually exists in the casinos where
the readers will go to play. He teaches the theory,
shows the "traditional" methods, and explains why they
work and don't work, and under which conditions. He
gives the reader a Modified Basic Strategy, that
incorporates all of the various "modifications" and
makes an easy-to-learn strategy and hand-decision chart
that allows anyone to play Blackjack to as close to an
even game as it can get.

Additionally, Royer provides the reader with a clearly
defined "session event strategy," a method of playing
Blackjack successfully by using the MBS along with a
tiered wagering and fractional differential principles
for utilizing group-event methodology of blackjack play.
For the more adventurous reader, Royer invites them to
also read his book Powerful Profits from Winning
Strategies for Casino Games."

Не нравится мне это. лажа, скорее всего.


Garry Baldy.
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