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Офлайн-казино / Блэкджек / немножко философии BJ (взгляд на игру)
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немножко философии BJ (взгляд на игру)   ID:46461 Вт, 4 февраля 2003 01:00 [#]
Zedmor Закрыть блок (иконки IM) Форумы Покер.ру
вот нашел на bj21 - неплохо сказано, мне понравилось Smile

You want to look "foolish" to the ploppies, the dealer and the pit. The more "foolish" you look, the better off you are. It doesn't bother me a bit to hear the dealer chastise me over a "foolish" play or to wonder aloud why I keep putting the money out after losing and losing. I don't mind it when other players comment on my "poor" play when I make a deviation from basic strategy. It doesn't bother me when a pit boss comes by to commiserate with me over a large loss. In fact, if there is any silver lining to these monster losing sessions, it is that it might put doubt in the pit's mind about my skills as a player, and it never hurts your standing with the pit to book a large loss on occasion.

A thick skin and an emotionless approach are important attributes to being a successsful card counter. Of course, you can and probably should demonstrate emotion when losing large, but inside you should be as cool as the proverbial cucumber.
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