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Re: Сlick2Pay - как заказать их Debit Card?   ID:40151   ответ на 38994 Пт, 10 ноября 2006 20:14 [#]
pokerman777 Закрыть блок (иконки IM) Форумы CasinoGames
msdos писал ср, 08 ноября 2006 12:50
mordovorot писал ср, 08 ноября 2006 07:46
Народ а что если карты нету то там счёт не открыть? И еще как они со мной говорить будут если я по енглишу не шпарю? Smile
Thank you for contacting the CLICK2PAY Service Team.

We are sorry for the delay and the inconvenience.

Without having a credit card you unfortunately cannot sign up for a CLICK2PAY account.

We usually do not accept VISA Electron. However, in some cases users have been registered a VISA Electron successfully. We therefore suggest that you try to register on www.click2pay.com/Sign up now.

We thank you kindly for your interest in CLICK2PAY and look forward to establishing a relationship with you as a valued CLICK2PAY customer. Should you require further information, or would like to register for the CLICK2PAY service, please visit our web page at www.click2pay.com.

Should you have further questions about the information given above, please reply directly to this email, including our original text and ticket number. This will help us to deal with your inquiry much faster.

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хехе , а моя visa electron прошла Cool
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